Scarne on Cards

Scarne on Cards Scarne On Cards represents the sum total of John Scarne?s experience in the card world. In language every layman can understand, it gives the complete rules of card games including Gin Rummy, Poker, Blackjack, Hearts, Cribbage, and many more. It clearly describes the various tricks. of professional cardsharps and how to foil them. Perhaps most important of all, it sets down the guiding principles and central strategies that can make you a winner at the game of your choice.

John Scarne (1903-1985) was universally recognized as the world?s leading authority on cards. Not only was he a proven master of every card game, but his writings, lectures, and films on how to spot cheaters have saved countless players from being bilked by the sharks who prey on the unwary.

By John Scarne

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